• There is a formula...

    to instigating the death of your old self again, and again, and again. This is where quantum leaps are born.

    But you've been turning back before reaching the other side.

    And why wouldn't you? You're not only afraid of what you'll find, but you're afraid of the guide, the reaper, that is meant to glide you across this gold-diamond coated river.

    It's time to leave behind slow, Old Earth progression, and understand the true codes behind the myth that brings your darkest and lightest sides together into one multidimensional creation.


The Sacrifice for Magick is not an Easy One.

Most won't do it too, because it will place you face to face with the exact illusion you've been trying to hold onto for dear life.

But you can't walk through a portal with baggage. Because you can't walk through a portal with time. Not the need of the past, or fear of the future.

The prize on the other side of River Styx isn't hell, as most believe.

It's reaching the shores of a state where your energy body is unhooked from the present moment illusion of space-time. This flips on your blacklight as you fold into your environment, seeing codes within the very energetic walls of the thing you're trying to create.

This reveals to you the hidden gems in your current reality that you can then use as a "cheat code" to activate your new reality. You always always always have exactly what you need right where you are. When you can see magic everywhere all the time, even amongst the shadows, and achieve a stage of energetic potency, you can find real truth.

There's a big wave of Plutonian energy hurtling through space towards us right now, meant to upgrade us in ways we can't understand.


 There's a big wave of Plutonian energy hurtling through space towards us right now, meant to upgrade us in ways we can't understand.

This is Hades energy, as the myths go.

The Underworld is unleashing wildly new codes... and they're headed straight for Earth.

But don't worry, this is a good thing. Because the New Earth consciousness is now available to us and it has the ability to INTEGRATE AND AMPLIFY these codes as GENIUS instead of REJECT it as Shadow.


 The Matrix begins to reveal itself to you as Pluto directs a specific formula towards Earth, unhooking us from the CONSTRUCT of time, and activating instead the ability to work with real magic (and work with our own definitions of time).

You will be struck very soon with something that will send you spinning off-course; but you're in fact NOT spinning off- course at all. You're going sane. You're getting BACK on course to finally achieve true freedom and magic.

Don't fight it.

 It is all about the BODY.

You CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT feed your mind and expect your life to shift right now. We are being taken over by the Alchemist, and we must begin to study bodywork, activation and alchemy. The power of shifting the worlds in your body to ultimately affect the 3D grid is unmatched.

Even by the mind.

Anyone still talking about mindset work needs to look at the New codes. We cannot hunt our mind fields anymore. You HAVE to unhook yourself from old constructs. The Scorpion is unforgiving about this. This means releasing even the reason you go to work every day and ask yourself the really hard questions.

This is a PRIME / PRIMAL opportunity. Quit that job and become an astrologer. Release the stable, boring relationship that doesn't bring you ULTIMATE euphoria and take the risk with where your heart truly lies. Tell your family you're a closet-witch- no-more.

Magic isn't crazy anymore. They are.

And with that, I welcome you to my brand new program.


 Ride your Spine to New Earth Consciousness

Styx is a deep 4-week program that will not only invite you into the frequency of your

ultimate unhooking, but show you the magic that sits on the other side.


Week One - The River Styx training | Body Activation: Empress Activation

Week Two: Hades & Your Body training | Body Activation: Pluto Activation Week

Three: The Test training | Body Activation: Pineal Activation

Week Four: Quantum Gateway training | Body Activation: Alien Spine Activation

There will be a Q&A session for hot seat coaching and questions depending on everyone’s schedule.

This is an amazing course if you are not only wanting to uplevel your life but blow the doors off your entire soul evolution!

 Still have questions?
contact support